Module R2
module R2: sig
.. end
Interact with radare2, ideal for utop interaction
A running instance of r2
val command : r2:r2 -> string -> string
Send a command to r2, get back plain string output
val command_json : r2:r2 -> string -> Yojson.Basic.json
Send a command to r2, get back Yojson. If output isn't JSON
parsable then raises so make sure command starts
with /j
val open_file : string -> r2
Create a r2 instance with a given file, raises
if file doesn't exists
val close : r2 -> unit
close a r2 instance
val with_command : cmd:string -> string -> string
Convenience function for opening a r2 instance, sending a command,
getting the result as plain string and closing the r2 instance
val with_command_j : cmd:string -> string -> Yojson.Basic.json
Convenience function for opening a r2 instance, sending a command,
getting the result as Yojson and closing the r2 instance